Thursday, November 1, 2007

Follow the Blogs

Vision Malden

I am looking forward to the first Visioning workshop and the Seniors in Malden have an opportunity
to participate
and contribute in the session.
Thank you for your statements to the City Council at their past meeting when you requested that
they make sure all citizens are encouraged to participate.
To assure that our Senior population will be able to take action in this workshop I would make the
following suggestions:
1. That transportation be furnished to and from the Malden Housing Units
2 A police presence will be assured at both exits of the Government Center and in the vicinity
of the MBTA area .
3. There will be city representatives to greet and assist the citizens in getting information on
how they can best present their ideas.

I hope we have an opportunity to explain how much our Seniors in Malden have
contributed to making Malden a "livable" city and what our future plans should be to assure their health and well being.
This should be an opportunity for our city agencies to learn what we Seniors are doing to improve all areas in the neighborhoods
In conversations with Mayor Howard, and State Representative Fallon I have been assured of their
full support on Senior Issues and look forward to the same from our City Councilors in making sure that
they recognize and support our efforts.
Howard C. McGowan
349 Pleasant Street
Malden, Ma 02148
781 324 8076


Develop Malden as a city of parks and open space(a livable city) Not a MBTA parking lot for outside commuters.
Move the Commuter stops of the MBTA to the towns that benefit from Service and let them pay fair share
Make sure that the City is helped with the expense of fire and police protection at stations.


The Mission̅ Statement Strategic General Plan reads as follows:
1Mprove the quality of urban life in Malden Ma
Maintain those features which make Malden
unique and desirable;
Generate awareness of heritage and
community assets, and encourage public participation
in local decision making;
Promote public health, public safety, general
welfare, urban beauty, and civic pride in Malden Ma
; and
Recognize the cultural and economic diversity of Malden Ma, and preserve its stability and well being
as hallmarks of a good place to live.
Our strategic agenda was also very much shaped by the knowledge that we have a tremendous shortfall of housing, especially housing affordable to a range of incomes.
To help address the afford ability issue, we have not only created new opportunities for tens of thousands of new housing units, we have incorporated new inclusionary zoning in many of our efforts, to foster both market rate and affordable housing development.
First, we have promoted transit-oriented development, channeling growth to transit-rich locations and away from auto-dependent neighborhoods
the Downtown Precise Plan will provide potential developers with a clear understanding of what the City and the community want, and the scope of types of projects which could be approved. By providing such detailed notice to developers, the City creates a helpful attitude toward investors and will stimulate further interest in our Downtown.
1. April 29, 2006
In twenty years, the City of Malden will thrive both economically
and environmentally as a balanced and sustainable community
that will maintain a strong sense of community with qualities of life that include:
Creating a vibrant regional center and economic framework that attracts people to Malden to live, shop and work.

Offering a family friendly environment for people of all ages with:

Supportive services and a safe and healthy environment for our children to thrive;

Shopping and entertainment for all ages;

Parks and recreation opportunities for all.
Maintaining our historic district as a major tourism destination that also provides goods, services and housing attractive to many local residents.

" Becoming an increasingly diverse community by age, economic status and ethnicity, providing a richness that strengthens the community:

Creating an environment conducive to sustaining an eclectic community of citizens supported by the City to enjoy their unique qualities of life;
Offering affordable housing, well paying jobs and an economically sustainable lifestyle for all.
Encouraging the highest level of citizen empowerment in and communication with city government and pro actively leveraging partnerships and volunteerism to ensure that community needs for services are met with the highest quality, timely delivery and afford ability.

" Developing systems for a safe and sustainable pedestrian-oriented community, with sidewalks and a network of trails throughout the City as well as stronger bus, rail and bicycle connections with the wider region.

" Developing a truly modern infrastructure including technology, utilities, streets and parks.

" Being a community where visitors and residents experience Malden to be unlike a Middlesex County city and when they enter it, feel that they have encountered a physically well-defined community:

Reflecting a balance between traditional and contemporary requirements and changes (keeping pace with current reality while maintaining unique character and history);
Providing environmental stewardship and enhancing access to its natural environment including its beautiful rivers;
Maintaining the heritage of the built environment – both residential and commercial.

We believe that the following elements
are necessary to achieve this Vision.
DOWNTOWN Malden will have a downtown that is well designed and pedestrian-friendly with a permanent combination of commercial and residential areas.
RESIDENTIAL Malden residential areas will be safe, diverse, and accessible and will have well-maintained neighborhoods that instill a sense of community.
CITIZEN input is an integral part of the shaping of our community.
FAMILIES & YOUTH Malden will help instill a sense of responsibility and provide opportunities for a variety of cultural and recreational activities for all ages.
HUMAN SERVICES will address local needs by encouraging a partnership between private and public organizations.

CITY GOVERNMENT will remain efficient, accessible, responsive, accountable, and financially responsible to the community.
BUSINESSES will be in partnership with the community and have a long-term commitment to Malden
Our ENVIRONMENT will be preserved with responsible limitations while enhancing the areas natural beauty.
DESIGN STANDARDS Malden will have high-quality design and construction standards that give buildings and structures a sense of permanence and provide for an aesthetically pleasing skyscape in our community. PARKS AND OPEN SPACE are an important part of our community's future and quality of life
The Purpose of the Malden Municipal Housing Authority is multi-faceted. It is our intention to create programs and provide services to our resident population and the broader Malden community within the parameters set by these overall goals:
1. To provide safe, clean, affordable housing to residents of the City of Malden that will be considered housing of choice.
To encourage and participate in strategic redevelopment of city's neighborhoods.
To offer all residents equal access to desirable housing and communities.
To Foster a sense of purpose and pride that will encourage family self-sufficiency.
To encourage tenant participation and involvement in MRA operations and services as well as providing access to entreneurial development and employment opportunities.

Senior Center Survey+

This survey has been created by the Mass Senior Action Council Metro North Chapter to get feedback from the Malden citizens about the new senior center. Mass Senior Action will use this information to ensure the senior community has input on the plans for the new center. Please fill out the survey and mail it in the return envelope provided or give it to one of the Mass Senior Action Chapter members by December 6, 2007.

1 How often to you visit the current senior center? 1 day a week 2 days a week 3 or more days a week

2. How do you get to the current senior center? Your own car bus/train senior center ride walk

3. Which activities do you participate? Free Movies Computer Bingo Lunch

4. What activities would you like to see offered at the new Malden Senior Center? (Circle all that applies)

Craft projects/classes computer classes table games/recreational games Current Events

Cooking/Housekeeping classes Media/Entertainment Equipment and Training Gym/Exercise Equipment

Yoga/Light Exercise Counseling Service Senior Job Training Dance/Dance instruction

List any other activities/services that you would like to see at the senior center.

5. What services do you use now? ______________________________________________________________

6. Do you know where the new senior center will be located? Yes No

7. Will you use the new senior center? Yes No

8. Will Malden need better transportation to the new center? Yes No

9. Do you use the facilities at the Malden YMCA? Yes No

10. If yes, how often to you visit the YMCA? 1 time a week 2 times a week 3 or more times a week

Do you have any more comments about a new Malden Senior Center?

Print Your Name To Be Entered Into the Raffle

Name:_____________________________ Age: ______________________

Address: ________________________________________________________________


Would like to know more information about the efforts for a new senior facility in Malden? Yes No

Would you like to receive information about Mass Senior Action Council?

Yes, my phone number is __________________________

Transportation Medical

Need a ride?
Malden Seniors now have two reliable , safe and affordable ways to get to medical apointments.
One are Vans run by the city's council on aging and takes people to local Hospitals and doctors
The other is SCM Transportation, which takes people to Boston and other places further away.
The council on aging will take patrons to appointments in Malden,Everett, Medford, Melrose, Stoneham, Wichester. Just Call 781-324-0620
For rides to Boston,Arlington, Belmont, Brookline, Burlington, Cambridge, Lexington, Somerville, Watertown or Woburn call SCM transportation at 617 625-1191


Maximum Amount of Earnings Subject to the Social Security Tax Increases for 2008
The Social Security Administration recently announced
that the maximum amount of earnings subject to the Social Security tax will increase to $102,000 from $97,500
IRS Nationwide Tax Forums
Although the content of IRS’s annual Nationwide Tax Forums is oriented primarily for tax practitioners, small business owners can also benefit from the various presentations made by IRS experts.

Health Issues

Go to this Site for interesting postings oh Senior Health Issues