Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Deborah Fallon, Councillor-At-Large Malden Ma


1. Malden residents rated the following issues in order of
importance: (1) Public Safety; (2) Pay-As-You-Throw Trash Removal
Program; (3) Water Utility Bill Inconsistencies; and (4) Downtown

2. 75% of Malden residents said they do not attend City Council
meetings, while 23% said they do occasionally, and 2% said they have
recently become interested in attending meetings.

3. 50% of Malden residents said they do not watch City Council
meetings, while 28% said they do, and 22% said they do not have cable
television access to watch the meetings.

4. 73% of Malden residents surveyed said they are aware that
committee meetings (e.g., Public Safety Committee, etc.) are open to
the public, while 27% said they are not aware. There were several
requests for signage at City Hall to let citizens know where/what
time/when committee meetings are held.

5. On PAYT: 40% of Malden residents surveyed said they "dislike the
way the City implemented the program, but now see the benefit of it";
38% said they want PAYT repealed; 10% said they "like the program" and
now see its benefits; and 12% had no opinion.

6. On the proposed Residency Employment Ordinance for Department
Heads: 40% of Malden residents surveyed said there should be no
residency requirement - that "it should be the best person for the
job"; 25% said that if residents and non-residents are equally
qualified for employment, preference should go to Malden residents;
25% said "all city employees must be Malden residents"; and 10% had no

7. 55% of Malden residents surveyed said they did not know what the
City Charter was, while 45% knew what the City Charter was.

8. 93% of Malden residents surveyed said they are "not well-informed
about the proposed Charter reform initiatives" by the Malden City
Council, while 7% said they are well-informed.

9. Of all Wards (12.5% surveyed in each Ward), Ward 4 residents
specifically commented they were "generally pleased with their Ward 4
councillors" (statements by 4% of the 12.5%). Overall, 73% of Malden
residents surveyed reported they are "dissatisfied" with city
government. The top three concerns in order of importance were: (1)
councillors do not demonstrate that they represent the "majority
voice"; (2) citizens want time (e.g., 2 minutes allotted) to speak at
City Council meetings; and (3) councillors do not inform constituents
of "major" matters that "directly affect citizens" prior to voting on

Thanks, again, for participating! As promised, I will share these
results with the City Council and keep you informed. Please call me
at (781) 321-8688 if you have any questions about the survey results,
or if you wish to discuss other matters.



Deborah Fallon, Councillor-At-Large
City of Malden

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Census 2010

Some common problems when
filling out U.S. census forms,
which arrive by mail beginning
Monday:March 15, 2010
Ready for the 2010 census?
Forms start arriving today
These are determined by where
people live or sleep most of
the time as of April 1.
Household members should
include babies born on or
before April 1, 2010, as
well as non-U.S. citizens.
The rationale is that cities
and states should receive
federal money to support
everyone who uses their public
roads, schools and other programs.
College students who live away
from home and U.S. military
personnel who live in barracks
are tallied in those places.
If you have more than one home,
completely fill out the form
for your primary residence.
For the second home, mark "0''
for number of residents and
indicate you live elsewhere.
Doing that may help avoid
costly visits from a census taker.
For divorced parents who have
shared custody of a child,
indicate where a child usually
lives. If custody is split equally,
the child's residence is where he
or she is on April 1.

exists that describes yourself,
or with the level of specificity
you prefer, write it in the space
marked for "other race."
For example,
some Caribbean-Americans
plan to check the box for
"black, African Am., or Negro"
and then write in their ancestry.
Multiracial people might check
several race categories or write
in "multiracial," depending on
how they self-identify.
The labels do make a difference,
because census results will be

used to redraw congressional
districts with racial and ethnic

—INTERNET OPTION: There is none.
Census officials in 2008
determined that submitting
census data through the
Internet posed too large
a risk for security breaches.
The Census Bureau is testing
Web options for 2020, but for
now information must be
provided on official forms
and mailed or submitted
to a census taker.

—"LONG FORM": This year's census
is only 10 questions. Previously,
1 in 6 households — roughly
20 million — received a
detailed census questionnaire
called the "long form" that
asked about income, disability,
commuting, education level
and other characteristics.
After 2000, the long form was
eliminated and replaced by
the American Community Survey,
which is sent to about three
million households each year.
If you get an ACS form, the
Census Bureau asks you fill
out both surveys.

—MISSING FORMS: If you don't
receive a census form,
Census Bureau director
Robert Groves advises
that people wait until
April 12 to allow time
for it to arrive. After
April 12, people may
call the census help
line at 1-866-872-6868.
In rural parts of Alaska,
census information was
collected door-to-door
starting in January.
In addition,
about 12 million
addresses, mostly in rural
areas and Gulf Coast areas
affected by Hurricane Katrina,
began receiving hand-delivered
forms on March 1.

Health Care Overhaul

House members voted 219-212
late Sunday to approve the
health care overhaul that
would extend coverage to 32
million uninsured Americans.
It also would significantly
expand Medicaid, the
federal-state health care
program for the poor; place
new federal regulations on
the insurance industry; and
allow parents to keep children
up to age 26 on their family
insurance plans.

Most Americans would have to
buy insurance or face penalties.
There would be subsidies to help
families with incomes of up to
$88,000 a year pay their premiums.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Universal Health Care

Health Reform Passes: It's Impact for Massachusetts
Mon, March 22, 2010 12:33:56 PMFrom: Mass-Care Announce Add to Contacts
To: Mass-Care Announce


Dear Single Payer Supporters - Late last night the House passed health reform into law, along with a "reconciliation" bill that the Senate is expected also to pass along party lines this week. What does this mean for the movement to make health care a right in Massachusetts, and how should single payer advocates respond? Millions of uninsured residents in other states will receive life-altering assistance, and the prescription drug 'donut hole' faced by seniors under Medicare will be closed over time - it's important not to understate what a victory this is for many of our supporters and allies. However, the law will create winners and losers. It contains no meaningful cost controls; the tax on workplace health benefits used to pay for the law will serve as a powerful driver towards universal underinsurance; and Massachusetts in particular will be a 'net loser' under the law, as many of its benefits are already in place here and we will be paying more under the new taxes than most states.

The bill is projected to cover 32 million uninsured people by 2019... However, by 2016 - if health costs and income continue to rise as they have been - the average cost of a family health insurance plan will consume 34% to 45% of an average family income! We know that this is not conceivable for a household budget or for a business that offers coverage to its workers. This tells us something important: we will HAVE to have another major health reform debate - one that does not ignore costs, and does not just shift them onto patients - way before the bill that just passed has been fully implemented. We also know that there is no country on earth, or any region of any country on earth, that has successfully controlled costs without a single payer system or regulations so stringent that private insurers are forced to behave like a single payer system.

This cost crisis will likely reach a head in Massachusetts, where we have the highest health care costs in the nation, before anywhere else. The debate here on how to control health care costs before our health care system implodes will be a crucial moment for the single payer movement to mobilize and ensure that we get health reform that works.

Mass-Care: The Massachusetts Campaign for Single Payer Health Care
33 Harrison Ave - 5th floor
Boston, MA 02111
Ph: 617-723-7001
Fx: 617-723-7002